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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Should have stayed away

So here I am again, in the same spot I was a few months ago. We ended up back together again despite all the reservations that I guess we both had. The past 2 months and a bit have been a mix of both good and bad moments. Her increasing frustration about finding a job, her excitement and anticipation with regards to her interviews, etc. She had been under alot of stress and it showed, we ended up arguing about the same stuff we argued about in the past. It got to the point where she would get so annoyed in less than 3 minutes when I called her. I mean it got so bad that I didn't I did not even want to call anymore. It wasn't fun, I mean I know that its not always sunshine and roses but I just felt like I was someone she just had to deal with, like work for whatever her reason was. Started arguing around the 12-13th and finally culminated in the break up at my house no less on Saturday. She feels that we are heading in totally opposite directions, even though I told her that I would not stand in the way of her getting her own place, etc. She feels that we are both unhappy, that I should just go and be happy, find somebody who has a normal family, etc. I empathize with her frustration. She did get a job at xerox but its not her ideal job, although the skeptic in me questions the timing of this breakup, if I have been used then I only have myself to blame. I went through all the usual breakup actions as before and I will not belabour the points. I love her deeply but I'm not getting that back from her. I have pulled away slightly as time went on. Do I miss her, yes. I'm angry, she vehemently denies that here is anyone else. I feel sad, angry, betrayed, scared, disappointed. I told her that I still wanted a life for us together, no matter what. But it has always been for naught. Now I must continue forward, I have delayed this process long enough. I will embrace the pain for today, will not grieve for what has not happened. I will work on myself and heal. I will not panic for I deserve to be loved in return. There will be bad days and good days. I haven't told anyone yet, i figure I will let them figure it out. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness and the word happiness would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” —C.G.Jung