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Sunday, June 20, 2010

So I had a coworker talk to me and ask me advice about his relationship/break up situation. I just found that a little ironic I guess. Its crazy how we find ourselves in similar situations with regards to our relationships, I'm just a little further into the break up then they are. 

I had everybody over for a bbq, my first gathering involving the guys and girls with out her. It was great. I had to show them that I can do stuff without her and that I am feeling more and more normal as each day passes. Linus and Julie are getting married, I'm so stoked, its happening next month! I really should not be concerned but I find myself thinking about whether or not she will be there and whether I should bring a date in case she does. I realize the immaturity and absurdity of this thought. I mean its letting her influence me, giving her power over making my decision to bring a date. There are still moments, I had one first thing this morning for some reason, but I managed to talk myself out of it. I just tell myself that she's living a life of her choice, a life without me in it and I deserve to be happy. I realize that it has been more than 30 days and I am proud of my progress. I know now to acknowledge the feelings, but not to dwell on them. 

I have been keeping busy, trying to make it to the gym when I can and I usually feel 10 times better after I have gone. I am working on improving myself which is keeps me busy. I know that there are options out there, far better than what I had. I just have to be patient enough and just go with the flow and see what happens. 

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