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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Part Deux

Back home now. Had spent the morning with Laura and Marianne and they are fully appraised of the situation. Their opinions have been pretty consistent in the past, and this was a lesson I had to learn on my own, in my own time. Spent some time with the family before heading back. They say I can do better, but I am not sure at this time. I have told her that she was perfect for me. I told her that the spaces between my hands are where her fingers fit perfectly, to which she replied...any girl's fingers would fit perfectly.

Started cleaning house as soon as I got back, felt therapeutic like a fresh start. She still crosses my mind and I know it will be for some time yet. I did read the book today, although in the past I've only made it to day 3 before we got back together. I wanted to call, just to say "hi", just to hear her voice but I managed not to do so. I don't know why the silence feels so different, I mean we never talked much, just once or twice during the course of the day and almost all the time I spend alone at home. Looking forward to the distraction that is work, five straight starts tomorrow and its her birthday on Tuesday (I did wish her happy birthday yesterday). Hard to believe its only been about 24 hours since I last spoke or seen her, it feels like more time has passed.

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