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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So now Linus knows about the breakup. I told him today. He's glad that I have made a decision, that I have tried to make things work on more than one occasion with her and that I can go forward  knowing that it wasn't for a lack of trying that things didn't work. He was optimistic about the future and a possibility of us getting back together. I told him that I don't see that happening. He then suggested I start dating, but I told him its still too soon. I told him that her and I were simply not compatible at the end of the day. I expressed my desire that my relationship with him and Julie not be awkward since they are mutual friends. I told him that I will not speak ill of her since it is not my desire to do so. I did say that if the time came that we end up in the same room, it would be civil. Damn, I miss her today, tried to nap before going to work but I just couldn't, so here I am updating this blog. Oh this emotional rollercoaster sucks! I want to call or text her to wish her a happy birthday, to hear her voice but I already did that on the last day we spoke. I'm looking for any excuse to make contact, to work things out. But I know this will just be counterproductive, it has been four days and I don't want to setback my progress. I just have to persevere and be patient, time heals all wounds.

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